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After weeks of tumultuous protest in Egypt, Hosni Mubarak stepped down yesterday from his post as Egypt’s president.
Just yesterday, headlines told of protesters grieving their frustration, and how CIA chief Leon Panetta’s announcement that Mubarak was about to step down was just “getting Egypt’s hopes up.” Mubarak had made concession after concession, but still would not give up his post. Now, he has handed to the military, which in turn promises the formation of a civilian government. His Swiss bank account, estimated to have a value of $3.5 billion, has been frozen.
I really hope we can see some change for the better from all this. Certainly, it would seem Egypt is heading in the right direction. But it is concerning to have a destabilized country in the Middle East when terrorism and extremism are so rampant. It seems like the tone of the protests has been geared toward positive democratic reform, and not some alternative to Mubarak that was just as backwards or oppressive. In Iran, a revolution decades ago to oust the Shah simply led to a fundamentalist government that proves dangerous for its people, its neighbours, and the world in general.

Last night I watched Jersey Shore for the first time, and I finally witnessed what all the talk is about. The show features 8 housemates each with their own unique persona, living, working, and partying together. The cast members are: Mike (the situation), Pauly D, Ronnie, Sammy, Vinny, Nicole(Snooki), Jenny (J-Wow), and newcomer Deena.

(From right to left: Ronnie, Vinny, Jenny, Samantha,Mike, Pauly D, and Nicole)

To be honest with you I rather enjoy the cast, despite all their vain, and materialistic ideals. Each member of the Jersey Shore cast has some redeeming quality about them. Underneath all of Pauly D’s hair gel, and hyper tanned skinned is a loyal, and genuinely good friend. Snooki may sport a poof(hair done up with a device); however she is like any hopeless romantic looking to find love in the Jersey Shore.

Underneath all that hair gel..... is more hair gel

Without all these characters I feel the show would have failed to live up the hype I was hearing about from all my friends; however these characters lifted the show above and beyond my expectations. The show has the perfect mix between drama, partying, and as Mike (The Situation) says it “good times”. Jersey Shore is a great show, and I recommend it to anyone, who likes to party and have a “good time” (A.K.A every college student) .

I give Jersey Shore a rating of 5 out of 5

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Like the ancient Greek quote, 127 hours centers around a young adventurer Aron Ralston, and his 172 hour entrapment between a boulder and a canyon wall in Blue John Canyon. This movie is based directly on the true story about the real Aron Ralston and his struggle between life and death, in which freedom costs him his right arm.

The story of Aron Ralston is not new to many people, and many may think that the movie holds no suspense; however terrific directing by oscar winner Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire), and terrific editing help carry the story to its climax. Never once during this movie was I bored, in fact I became so engrossed with the film that I felt a direct connection with Aron and his plight. I have to warn viewers out there is one scene in particular which is quite physiologically accurate, graphic, and not for the feint of heart (Don’t bring your kids).

The movie is essentially a one man show, however; oscar nominated James Franco who portrays Aron, carries the film with an charisma and mastery not seen by many young actors in this generation. The story takes us through the isolation, and desperation of being trapped alone in a confine space. The movie is not just about man, but its about the people in this man’s life, and how they carry him through his ordeal. This is seen through flashbacks in the movie that show Aron dealing with his immediate family, close friends, and lost loves. I think this is a story about life, and how many of us take our family and friends for granted.

The reason why most of us don't go on solo adventures through canyons

Boyle has said before that his movie is “about people”, and 127 hours teaches us, the audience, that you can’t do things alone in this world. Every person needs someone to comfort them during depressing times, or carry them when the path of life becomes too rocky.

I give 127 hours a rating of : 5 out of 5

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